Thursday, February 19, 2009

Mister Softee Sighting in NYC!!!!!!!

Spotted! A lone Mister Softee truck heading southbound on 5th Avenue in NYC this afternoon!

According to my unofficial Mister Softee contact (i.e. the trusty Mister Softee man who spends his summers serving me ice cream cone and soda float lunches from his parked truck on the corner of 22nd St and Broadway), the beloved blue and white mobile unit of frozen awesomeness was not due back in New York until April. So you can only imagine my utter disbelief - followed by feelings of sheer, unadulterated joy - when my eyes spotted said truck faithfully making its way toward Union Square as if it were any random summer day.

This sighting can only mean one thing. Summer is just around the corner. I don't care that it's only February and still freezing cold outside. Mister Softee=Summer. Period. Hallelujah. Amen. Yippee! I can almost taste those rainbow sprinkles and cherry dipped cones as I write this.

As a side note, I would like to strongly encourage you to explore the official Web site of Mister Softee.

Not only will you learn about the history of this great franchise, but you will also discover the sheet music to the Mister Softee theme song. Who knew there were actual words?

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Pencil Lives!

Oh no! Pencil is stuck!

His owner tries to help.

A rescue team is called...

Pencil is free. Yay Pencil!

As previously mentioned, I love heartwarming animal stories - especially when they originate from my homeland (a.k.a. The Bluegrass State).

There's a walking horse named Pencil who lives on a farm in Campbell County, Kentucky. Apparently the heater on Pencil's water trough stopped working on Wednesday morning. I guess Pencil got thirsty and taking matters into his own, um, hooves, went off in search of water. He found water alright. Unfortunately for Pencil, he fell right through the ice of the very pond from which he sought refuge from his thirst. And then he got stuck and was freezing to death. Poor horsie! He just wanted a drink of water.

But luckily, with the help of nearly 40 firefighters, including members of the Northern Kentucky Large Animal Rescue Team, Pencil was rescued from the throes of the icy pond within an hour and is expected to make a full recovery. So great.

I totally want a horse named Pencil now.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Today's Good News? The Office Exists.

Funniest show on TV. Period.

And I seriously can't stop watching the opening scene of Sunday's post-Super Bowl special episode.