Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Time...after time

Time. It's a funny thing. How it passes differently for each person. I think its speed is determined by how we measure it. For some, it's just an arbitrary accumulation of minutes and hours that equal days that turn into weeks that turn into years. Static and painstaking, this type of acceptance of time. For others, it's moments. Weeks pass. Freely and unremarkable, yet certain moments arrest - and irrevocably define life - by either expanding or restricting the passage of time as we feel it in the depths of our soul. For better or worse, perception is reality. But what is the nucleus from which our own individual perspectives are born? Is it our belief systems or personalities or attitudes? What is it that lends credence and weight? They say time is of the essence. I believe this. Time is now. Today is the only unit of time that we are guaranteed, regardless of how we embrace it or measure its passing. Moments come and moments go. Each encapsulated - whether we are conscious of it or not - on a spectrum ranging from indifference to personal, life-defining significance. No matter how we experience time, it is inarguably at once eternal and fleeting. Just and unfair. Meaningful and mundane. Here and gone. The past is past. Today is the day. Live in this moment. It's the only one we truly hold. Pain, joy, love, fear, disappointment, regret, hope, sadness, peace, apathy. They define our humanness, our experiences and our choices, as they are all ours for the owning and the releasing. Ultimately destining our direction. Choose life. Choose engagement with it. Even when it hurts and doesn't make sense. Anything else is less than that for which we were created.