Thursday, May 13, 2010

Mister Softee merchandise now available for purchase!

I miss my Mister Softee like the deserts miss the rain. So, yes, maybe I do periodically pop by his official Web site to see what's up and wistfully gaze upon my beloved conehead. And on my most recent virtual visit, my heart just about leaped right out of my chest when I discovered that Mister Softee merchandise is now available for purchase on the site, which, by the way, has gotten a beautiful makeover and is now better than ever. Downloadable Softee sheet music, sample jingle and ring tone? Check. Printable (or delightfully interactive) "Color Mister Softee" picture? Check. Photo gallery of Softee in action? Check. Mister Softee locater map with super cute conehead icons? Check. Ok, you get the idea. I was fascinated by every single link on the site, especially those located in the Softee Funzone.

Oh, but back to the merchandise!! So Mister Softee die hards can now own wonderful, life-enhancing items like a Mister Softee bobblehead, T shirt, musical truck, beach towel or truck bank, so that the joy of Softee can be commemorated more continuously, during those many sad moments in life when one is not actually consuming a Mister Softee ice cream product.

I would like one of each please.

Man, I gotta make it back to NY and soon. Or start a Softee Franchise in Kentucky! It seems like it could be a very lucrative and rewarding endeavor. According to the Web site:

"Many of our dealers who started with one successful unit, have expanded into ownership of multiple fleets. They are prosperous, popular business people, well known and respected in their communities."

Hmmm. I've never considered myself management material, but I kind of like the idea of commanding multiple fleets of Softee trucks.


Maria said...

Whenever I hear that famous jingle, it reminds me of you and how we would run downstairs and get cherry dipped cones...good times...

Unknown said...

Ahhh...I miss 49 Thorne and Mister Softee-filled summers and those Hoboken fried balls of dough and home-cooked meals and playing hang-man with Alyssa. I even miss the Kennedy Blvd. shuttle, lol. But most of all, I just miss my BFF!

fafner said...

Mister Softee misses you too! The guy on 22nd is the same one who used to spot you change!

Unknown said...

Ha, love that guy!