Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Things I love about New York

As I was browsing through Ricky's fabulous and diverse array of hair products this past weekend, I began to feel really excited, not only about the fabulous and diverse array of hair products, but also about the fact that I am living in NY again. My relocation happened so fast that the fact that I am actually a resident of the Empire State again has not truly sunk in yet. But it's starting to, and I am beginning to think about all of the things that I still haven't done/want to do and see in this amazing city. In light of my continuing efforts to abolish my disdain for Tuesdays by participating in exercises of gratitude expression, here goes another list of awesome things that I love - specifically about NY - in no particular order...

E. 54th Street (my first home!), all the random people like the man who walks around the city with a cat sitting on his head, Pinkberry/Red Mango, the Sanrio store in Times Square, Buttercup Bake Shop/Crumbs/Magnolia, Saturday shopping in SoHo, Lenny's deli (kept me alive my first year), Mister Softee (especially my Mister Softee on 22nd & Broadway), the White Horse, Macy's, listening to New Yorkers talk (love the accents here), regularly homecooked meals courtesy of the Notaro family (kept me alive my third year), meeting new people from all over the place on a regular basis, waiting for my train and seeing the Manhattan skyline in the background, summer street fairs, the West Village, being able to go watch basically any professional sport in person, Central Park, the Yankees, Steve Madden, the Flatiron Building, Union Square, the Brooklyn Bridge (so pretty), the city's close proximity to awesome beaches, all the great pizzerias (and Angelo's Pizza when I am feeling fancy)...I could go on and on. But most of all, I love the many great people I have come to know during my journey here. They include some of the best friends I have ever had!

Thank you, Lord, for bringing me back!


Maria said...

Those Notaro's must be some really great people. We are glad you are back too. New York City is the greatest city in the world.

Unknown said...

They are...and yes it is :)

fafner said...

Welcome back!

Unknown said...
